
Backing early-stage startups that are rethinking transportation

We are a specialist fund focused on mobility, automotive and logistics innovators leading the transformation towards a clean, safe and digital future.

Investment Strategy


We are partnering with technology-driven startups working on the future of transportation. As an early-stage  fund, we back companies from seed series A. From our home base in Munich, we  invest across Europe. Under the umbrella of the transportation sector, we are focusing on four areas of expertise.

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    Vehicle Technologies

    Technologies for next generation vehicles that are digital, autonomously operated and sustainable

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    Providing clean, comfortable, safe and affordable mobility for everyone.

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    Leading the transformation towards digital, automated and sustainable logistics operations.

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    New powertrains and infrastructure to empower a clean and emission free future of transportation.

“Providing true value-add with access to the industry.”

At Rethink Ventures we are creating a mutually beneficial ecosystem for startups and our corporate partners. By providing privileged access to the automotive and logistics industry we are supporting our companies to win new customers and establish technology partnerships. We work closely with founders to drive their companies’ long-term growth and eventually create new market leaders.

Driving change and Impact

The Challenge

The transportation sector faces significant challenges as the global demand for mobility and logistics continues to grow. With more than 25% of greenhouse gas emissions coming from these industries and additional negative externalities such as congestion and the significant usage of physical space, there is a lot of pressure to rapidly change the way we move people and goods.

Innovation as a

We back startups that revolutionize the way we transport people and goods. We believe innovation and new technologies to create a world in which transportation is emission-free and sustainable. Together with our founder and partners, we aim to foster solutions that eventually will provide clean, digital and safe mobility for everyone.

Tell us about your Start up.

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